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Veganism in Quebec

Vegan Quebec was created in 2001 to help facilitate the transition to a vegan lifestyle, and to make it easier for vegans in Quebec to keep in touch and stay informed. As part of the worldwide movement for veganism, we’d also like to keep in contact with others from around the world who share a respect for animals, a desire for healthy eating, the principles of non-violence, and a love of nature.

The website veganequebec.net lists recipes, articles about plant-based diets, and upcoming activities, including regular vegan potlucks in Quebec City. As the vegan population in Quebec is quite dispersed, Vegan Quebec aims to bring people together in the vegan community, and our monthly newsletter announces additional activities and news for those who would like to stay informed about happenings in the province.

If you’re looking for places to eat in Quebec city, you can have a look at the page Où manger vegan à Québec. You’ll get the addresses of vegan friendly restaurants and stores.

The internet is an abundant source of information about veganism, though the websites are primarily in English or from distant countries. Vegan Quebec offers a resource specifically geared to French Canadians, bringing relevant local info. Even though this website was originally made for a French audience, it seems that many of the visitors are English speakers, as English-language websites about veganism in Quebec are also a rarity. It’s unlikely that I’ll translate the whole website, though it should be fairly easy to understand the upcoming events, and the links to outside websites are also helpful. The recipes and articles may be more difficult to understand, but feel free to get in contact if you have any questions. Also, check out the film Un Répas Végé, the first Quebecois film about veg*nism, which is available with English subtitles.

And please, if you have comments or want to get in touch with other vegans, just send me an email. I’m always eager to exchange ideas and meet open-minded people.

Veganly yours,

Stephane Groleau

Additional English resources from Vegan Quebec

Random recipe


Pourquoi le lait (et les produits laitiers) ?



Campagne Pizza Végane


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